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RUBAVU: Police foil house break-in

Rwanda National Police (RNP), in partnership with other security organs, arrested two people on Thursday, March 3, belonging to the racket of thieves in Rubavu District.

Eric Mazimpaka, 27, and Aphrodis Hakizimana, 21, were arrested with a stolen flat television screen, computer Desktop (hp), two sound speakers and an amplifier, among others.

Superintendent of Police (SP) Bonaventure Twizere Karekezi, the Police spokesperson for the Western region, said the suspects were arrested red-handed after breaking into a resident’s house located in Ikinyambo Village, Mbugangari Cell, Rubavu Sector.

“Police received a call at about 4:30 am, from the would-be victim, about a group of people who had broken into his house,” said SP Karekezi.

He added: “It was a ring of four suspected thieves. Two of them had entered through a hole they had drilled in the wall as others stayed outside. During the operation, the two people, who were outside managed to flee but their accomplices, who had entered the house were arrested as they came out with assorted valuables.”

The suspects along with the exhibits were handed over to RIB at Gisenyi station for further investigation while the search of other members of the ring is still ongoing.

Article 166 of law determining offences and penalties in general states that; any person convicted of theft is liable to imprisonment for a term of not less than one (1) year and not more than two (2) years and a fine of not less than Frw1 million and not more than Frw2 million, community service in a period of six (6) months or only one of these penalties.

In article 167, the penalty for theft doubles if the offender committed the crime through burglary, climbing or possession of keys other than the owner; the theft is carried out during the night or the theft is carried out by more than one (1) person.

Source: RNP

Jean Claude Kubwimana

Jean Claude Kubwimana

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