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KAYONZA: Police recovers stolen money

Law enforcement organs in Kayonza District have recovered Frw1,250,000, which is part of the money that was stolen from a farmer in Nyamirama Sector, recently.

The money amounting to Frw1,555,000 was stolen from one Oliver Kayitankore, 48, on February 21.

Part of the money was recovered on Thursday, February 25, from Kayitankore’s son identified as Deo Nzabahimana, 26, who was arrested in Kayonza town.

The Police spokesperson for the Eastern region, Chief Inspector of Police (CIP) Hamudun Twizeyimana, said that the suspect, who was living with his mother, fraudulently withdrew the money from a mobile banking agent in Mukarange Sector on February 21.

“On February 20, Kayitankore, who was in company of her son-Nzabahimana-arrived late to deposit money amounting to Frw1,555,000 to the bank in Kayonza town. She decided to deposit it at the mobile banking agent,” CIP Twizeyimana said.

He added: “The following day, Nzabahimana came back to the same agent and fraudulently withdrew all the money. He had stolen his mother’s phone and knew her mobile banking PIN.”

The victim, on realizing that her money had been withdrawn from her mobile account, she filed a complaint at Nyamirama Police station.

“Law enforcement organs worked together to track the person behind this fraudulent act. The banking agent provided some clues on the suspect, who withdrew the money.

After withdrawing the money, Nzabahimana sent Frw55, 000 to his girlfriend, who lives in Rukara. Through his girlfriend, Police and investigators worked together to track and arrest Nzabahimana in Kayonza town with Frw1, 250, 000, which he was remaining with.”

The spokesperson reminded the general  public to always keep their banking credentials secret to prevent such fraudulent attempts.

Under article 166 of the law relating to offences and penalties in general, any person convicted for theft is liable to imprisonment for a term of not less than one year and not more than two years and a fine of between Frw1 million and Frw2 million, a community service for a period of six months or only one of these penalties.

Source: RNP

Jean Claude Kubwimana

Jean Claude Kubwimana

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