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Kanyanga distillery destroyed in Nyanza

A crude gin commonly known as Kanyanga, is prohibited in Rwanda. Production, sell and consumption of this illicit gin is also punishable by law.

Any alcoholic beverages produced without complying with the standards is classified as illicit.

The Ministerial Order nº 001/MoH/2019 of 04/03/2019 establishing the list of narcotic drugs and their categorisation, therefore, lists kanyanga among “simple drugs.”

Article 263 of law No 68/2018 of 30/08/2018 determining offenses and penalties in general, states that any person, who unlawfully produces, transforms, transports, stores, gives to another or who sells narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, commits an offence.

Upon conviction for simple drugs, the offender faces between seven and ten years and a fine of not less than Frw5 million but not more than Frw10 million.

This is why Rwanda National Police (RNP) fighting and preventing production, trafficking, selling and abusing of illicit drinks like kanyanga as well as narcotic drugs, remains among its priorities because of their adverse and far reaching effects to the users.

To fight Kanyanga as well as narcotics drugs and psychotropic substances, Rwanda National Police focuses mainly on breaking production or the supply chains.

In the operation conducted on Tuesday, April 19, in Nyanza District, Kigoma Sector, Butara Cell, Buruba Village, Police and local leaders dismantled a distillery owned by one Mvuyekure Theogene, who was producing and supplying kanyanga.

Mvuyekure was also arrested.

“Mvuyekure was producing kanyanga and supplying local bars, but we thank residents, who reported his criminal acts,” said Superintendent of Police (SP) Theobald Kanamugire, the Southern region Police spokesperson.

At the time of his arrest, he was in the production process and had already distilled 30 litres of the crude gin

Police also seized materials including drums and jerrycans, which he was using.

“Mvuyekure was handed over to (RIB) at Busasamana station for further legal process. Rwanda National Police has conducted several campaigns against narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, and these are some of the results. We are happy that the public have owned the fight against these drugs by reporting dealers,” SP Kanamugire said.

Source: RNP

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