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Over 3 million people in Rwanda have received first dose of COVID-19 vaccine

Over three million people in Rwanda have received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine, according to the Ministry of Health.

Monday night update from the Ministry of Health on COVID-19, regarding the recent progress in vaccination showed that a total of 3,177,390 people had received at least one dose, while 1,733,550 had been fully vaccinated.

The country could now be on a good path towards achieving the target of 30 percent of the people to immunize by the end of the year. Rwanda is looking to vaccinate 7.8 million people.

Among mechanisms to achieve that vaccination target, the Ministry of Health has been conducting mass vaccination drives in Districts outside of the City Of Kigali, since Friday 8, 2021, with more than one million doses expected to be administered.

The drive has been targeting over 1.36 million people to receive their first dose, while 163,800 people will, in the end, have received their second dose of the anti-Covid-19 vaccine.

“This is in response to the trends of the pandemic, both in terms of incidence and mortality rates,” said Dr Sabin Nsanzimana, Director General of Rwanda Biomedical Centre.

Three types of vaccines namely Pfizer-BioNTech, AstraZeneca, and Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine are being administered during this phase.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), COVID-19 vaccines produce protection against the disease, develops immunity through vaccination which means there is a reduced risk of developing the illness and its consequences. This immunity helps you fight the virus if exposed. Getting vaccinated may also protect people around you, because if you are protected from getting infected and from disease, you are less likely to infect someone else.

Jean Claude Kubwimana

Jean Claude Kubwimana

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