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RNP bids farewell to retiring officers

Rwanda National Police (RNP), on Friday, August 6, officially bid farewell to 216 officers, who were retired and discharged honorably from active service. The send-off ceremony was held at the RNP General Headquarters in Kacyiru, and presided over by the Minister of Justice and Attorney General, Johnston Busingye.

Present was also the Inspector General of Police (IGP) Dan Munyuza and DIGPs Felix Namuhoranye of Operations and Jeanne Chantal Ujeneza of Administration and Personnel.

The retirees include four Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP), six senior officers, 102 junior officers, 80 non-commissioned officers as well as 24 constables.

Minister Busingye thanked the retirees for their sacrifice and dedicated service to their country, and for retiring with honour and dignity.

“Some of you were part of the liberation struggle and pioneers of this professional Police force. This is the time to look back at your journey in active service, the values, unity, peace and security you fought for. It is time to recognize and celebrate the contribution of each and every one of you in this liberation journey, which continues. You served a country that appreciates,” Minister Busingye said.

“Where you live, travel, go to church, where your children go to school; maintain discipline, be exemplary and good ambassadors. Continue to serve your country in many other capacities in your communities and in your new life,” he added.

People in Rwanda, he said, sleep well and feel safer due to dedicated Police officers who work day and night, 24/7 adding that this is a yardstick for the trust Rwandans have in their Police force. He further took time to laud the role of RNP in fighting the pandemic of Covid-19 through enforcement of the directives and awareness of the prevention practices.

IGP Munyuza, on his part, thanked the retirees for their contribution in building a professional Police force and ensuring a safer and secure country.

“Your dedicated service and love for your country will continue to be remembered and what you fought for will be sustained by those that you have left behind,” IGP Munyuza said.

Although the officers have retired from active service, the Police Chief reminded them that their services will be required whenever need arises. He further urged them to continue sustaining what they strived for and achieved as well as the values and honesty, which defined them throughout their career.

“Your thoughts and ideas are still needed to further build a secure country that befits Rwandans. Be good ambassadors for Rwanda National Police (RNP); continue to be Police partners to fight anything that can cause insecurity including Covid-19, and be part of all activities geared towards the country’s sustainable development,” IGP Munyuza told the retirees.

IGP Munyuza, on his part, thanked the retirees for their contribution in building a professional Police force and ensuring a safer and secure country.

“Your dedicated service and love for your country will continue to be remembered and what you fought for will be sustained by those that you have left behind,” IGP Munyuza said.

Although the officers have retired from active service, the Police Chief reminded them that their services will be required whenever need arises. He further urged them to continue sustaining what they strived for and achieved as well as the values and honesty, which defined them throughout their career.

“Your thoughts and ideas are still needed to further build a secure country that befits Rwandans. Be good ambassadors for Rwanda National Police (RNP); continue to be Police partners to fight anything that can cause insecurity including Covid-19, and be part of all activities geared towards the country’s sustainable development,” IGP Munyuza told the retirees.

ACP (rtd) Anthony Kulamba, who spoke on behalf of the retirees, expressed joy for the pride accorded to them as they retire from active service.

“We thank His Excellency Paul Kagame, the President of the Republic of Rwanda for having led the liberation struggle, stopped the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, and reunited Rwandans, a strong pillar for the new and peaceful Rwanda we all enjoy today.

We thank him for his visionary leadership, a foundation for strong institutions and good governance. The RNP is one of those strong institutions that were founded on this visionary leadership, and we are joyful to have been part of this family,” Kulamba said.

He added: “We are happy for serving our country in this capacity and honoured for this day when we are retiring with pride. We have retired from active service but we will continue to serve our country in other capacities in our communities as we join hands with local leaders and the people to sustain and build on what was achieved,” he added.

Source: RNP

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