A new project to engage communities specifically mineworkers and nearby communities has been designed for Ngororero District, thanks to the initiative from the Peoples’ Movement for Human Rights Education (MPEDH) in partnership with Resource Mining Foundation (RMF) and the Coalition of Civil Society against illegal exploitation of natural resources in the Great Lake Region (COSOC-GL). The project aims at establishing a constructive dialogue between mining companies / cooperatives and communities.
The project under title “Use Mine Site Assessment Tool (MSAT) to engage communities in responsible mining exploitation” has among objectives to improve the living conditions of communities living near mining sites as well as mining workers, especially women workers through targeted actions –dialogue between Mining companies or cooperatives and communities in order to improve work conditions, socio corporate and rights of people living near mining sites.
During project presentation to the District officials on Tuesday, December 15, 2020 Fabien K. KARAMIRA, Executive Director, MPEDH & Chairperson, COSOC-GL said: “We want to see which are the major difficulties in the mining exploitation in Ngororero District and make sure that all stakeholders are involved t for the sake of the safety of both miners, women and the nearby communities.”

The Executive Director of MPEDH informed the participants of the phase I of the project which will begin by using MSAT on one mining site in Ngororero Distrct.
On the side of Ngororero District about the project, Rongin Ntazinda, the Director of Agriculture and Natural Resources, representative of the Mayor of the District said: “This is a great opportunity for the District receive these partners in development with such an important project dedicated to improve mining exploitation in our District by using the MSAT. This project was much-needed in our district to better sustain our mining exploitation. Ngororero District is among the important mining areas in Rwanda.”
Participants agreed on Ngororero Mining Company (NMC), one of the most important mining companies operating in the District.
NMC has got different branches sited in Gabo, Gatumba Sud, Ruseke, Nyangamba.
The company exploits Tin and Coltan since 2006, and has now workers under contracts with other 150-200 temporary workers. The number of women workers stands at 04 (1 accountant, 1 in charge of laboratory, and 2 cleaners)
NMC has a corporate responsibility to avail insurance for vulnerable people ( mutuelle de santé,) and participation in the Girinka community program (20 cows for vulnerable families)

Currently, Ngororero District has 17 mining companies operating in 12 Sectors, having considerable deposits of mineral such as cassiterite, coltan, clay and stones, among others.
For more information on the mining sector in Ngororero District, visit www.ngororero.gov.rw
One thought on “Ngororero: New project to engage communities in mining exploitation”
Good news, thank you